Friday, September 4, 2009

Summer is already OVER?

Well again its been awhile since my last post as things seem to stay busy in my life. I wish I could clone myself to pickup some work so I could have a little free time.

Summer seemed to fly by without really even showing its face cause it seem to be cool and rainy during the time its suppose to be hot and humid. I think I only turned my A/C on 6 times.

I went to the NASCAR race in Montreal, and as usual it rained. Seems to be a success again.

Ughhhh out of time again, hope to be back here more often, but probably not.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Trying to find the time

Well I have been trying to find the time for this again... almost 5 months now.

Well I finally moved in and things are starting to fall into place for my setups.

Web projects have slowed down, I have to guess its the economy or something, but I have been working on one procurement consulting site. Also did a lawyer website for ottawa real estate ... never heard back though.

Well thats it... try to sit in more often.

Friday, November 28, 2008

New House ... Ughhhhhh

Well I bought a new house last September, well that is when the process had started, and I finally will be moving in next week (first week of December) and I think the whole process is going to put me in a early

The whole mindnumbing process of moving my operations (my office/computer network of hosting servers) to another location overnight is putting a heavy feeling on mychest. I mean all those wires and power to be setup is kinda scary, especially when it ahs to be done overnight cause of the downtime, and knowing that I cannot get access to the house an earlier to pre-prepare...

Now the mortgage part of things is ... ugghhh wait here comes another migraine... ok thats a sign I wont even get into that mess (mortgages).

Now the actual moving of furniture and stuff, Im not looking forward to it, I just hope this is the alst time I have to do it...

Short blog today cause I got no time.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sodexo Foods

So I finally put two and two together and realized that this company (Sodexo Foods) is the same company that feeds our children at our schools for breakfast and lunches, that feeds me for breakfast and lunches at work.

Now what bugs me is that at my work, I have great lunches. For lunches I can have freshly made pasta's, salads, sandwitches, and other great food, but at our childrens schools they are getting pizza slices, french fries, hamburgers and other not-so-good foods.

What is the difference, the kids lunches are costing us almost the same amount of money and Im sure they would eat what we eat if you didnt have the other stuff also. If you didnt have the other crap, then the kids WOULD eat the better stuff.

I was told by a Sedexo employee that its because the kids dont want the foods we (adults) eat at work. I replied, well they dont want what I serve for dinner but they eat it, what choice do they have.

Well thats my gripe, it doesnt make sense that we spent the same amount of money and they get crappier meals.

Well last month I mentioned a ottawa photographer site that I did and couldnt get the page rank up, and still have failed to get it up. We decided to use the Google Adwords approach, but now that we did that we went from a 3 to a 2.... Im confused.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

UPS Confuses Me

Well here I am waiting for an important package from UPS, and the tracking service they provide really confuses me.

The package was sent on October 21, and had an "Estimated Delivery Date" of October 25th and showed in a town near by me on October 23rd.

Well today is now the 29th of October, and the information in the tracking is completly different. The tracking information shows it going from town-to-town until the 27th of October, and is NOW at the same town it said it was at on the 23rd of October. Hmmmm, add into the factor now that they have added a "Train Derailment" to one date.... weird.

There information is completly incorrect and cannot be reliable, or am I the only one getting this kind of "reliable" garbage. How is one suppose to set aside time to actually get the parcel if they cannot provide a reliable date of delivery.

Now calling them is even a bigger waste of time... Uhhhhh UPS, clean up your practices.

Well my site of the day is a ottawa medieval site that gets together weekly and practices the art of medieval warfare in Ottawa Canada.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Are We in a Recession?

Somebody please just make an official statement on this. The markets are up and down faster then a yoyo, and gas prices are confusing me.

So in the last month markets have dropped almost below 8000 points on the DOW and gas is half the price it was in July/August (yet the price at the pump doesnt reflect that).

My question is, should we be spending money, or saving money, should I wait for a better mortgage rate in a month or grab it now. SOMEBODY please let us know before its too late.

Anyways I guess being an average citizen I am left in the dark like the majority of us are and just want answers.

Well back to work, I have to finish up my latest site, a precast concrete site based out of Canada.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gas Prices 2008

I dont get it, I really dont get it.

Like most (I think) I will never understand the price of gas at the pump. The price of a barrel of gas is lower then it was over 2 years ago and yet we are still paying the same price as we were when it was 95-100$ a barrel. (Currently its 68$)

We were told it was a six month difference between the "Commodity" price and the pump price, but that seems to only be a factor when the price is coming down. Heck the price of gas went up yesterday cause the barrel went up 0.50 cents. Its down almost to 65$ a barrel and I expect the price to probably jump 3 or 4 cents tonight.

Maybe someone can explain it to me.

And with a sinking economy on the verge of a recession OPEC is going to cut production cause they are not making enough money, isnt this what put the country into a recession, the factor of greed? If its a recession and gas is priced to high, who is going to buy it?

On that note, I decided to buy a new car, and decided to go to the local car auction place and found some good deals, but didnt buy anything. I think I will go for a few more weeks and see what kind of great deals they have.